Clandestine Drug Labs

DeLisle has performed work for the law enforcement community and municipal health departments for many years, and with the rise in the number of clandestine laboratories across the country, DeLisle has increased the number of projects it performs annually as it relates to contaminated properties, building and homes. Residues left post-production or use of illicit drugs has left property owners, residents, and tenants with either severely contaminated homes, condemned structures, or unusable land. Activities typically conducted for these sites, depending upon the objectives for the client, may include but are not limited to the following.

  • Inspections of buildings or property for Drug Lab Paraphernalia or Debris
  • Risk Assessments Including Preliminary Sampling
  • Remedial Specification Design
  • Validation Sampling
  • Summary of Findings Report Generation

Risk Assessments

The types of assessments vary and generally depend on availability of pre-established data including but not limited to: public health department records, EPA enforcement mandates, and law enforcement seizure reports. Prior data coupled with site investigations delineate the scope of contamination and the parameters necessary to complete the health risk assessment.

Preliminary Sampling

Sampling parameters depending upon the public health authorities regulations or guidelines may include analysis for Hydrocarbons, Metals, Acids, Iodine Ammonia, Phosphorus, Methamphetamine, Opiates, Cannabis, Cocaine, Heroin, and Other Constituents.

Depending upon the areas initially identified on site for production or disposal, an environmental site assessment in accordance with the CERCLA regulations and State environmental clean-up standards may require soil and groundwater characterization.

Remedial Specification Design

Many states have not adopted any firm clean-up criteria to allow contractors the ability to clean-up facilities to “acceptable” limits. As a result, depending upon the state, different tolerances for clean-up exist. DeLisle, from its years of hazardous material assessments and remedial design is knowledgeable in specification design and can provide written protocols which are achievable and meet most clients’ objectives.

Validation Sampling

Depending upon the state where the work is performed, and the levels of regulatory requirements, DeLisle conducts sampling to produce data levels of contaminants still present. If the levels still don’t meet the regulatory requirements, the data will be evaluated and recommendations made.

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DeLisle Associates LTD



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