Ensure Your Home’s Safety with Our Home Asbestos Testing Kit
Asbestos, a material once commonly used in building materials and insulation, can pose a serious health risk to you and your loved ones if it’s in your home. It can cause health problems, including mesothelioma, which can be fatal. While newer homes don’t use materials containing asbestos for this very reason, older homes and buildings may still have asbestos somewhere within the structure. DeLisle Associates can provide you with a home asbestos test kit with easy to follow instructions that will allow you to test for asbestos and get results from our accredited lab within three business days. In today’s post, we will discuss the importance of getting your home tested for peace of mind and the safety of anyone who may enter your home.
A Brief History of Asbestos Usage
Valued in the early 1900s due to its flame retardant properties, asbestos was commonly used in home and building construction. However, studies into the effects of asbestos showed it to be a significant health risk to workers mining it and those using the construction materials, leading to a failed ban of the substance and declined public interest in using it, with the final asbestos mine being closed in 2002. The chrysotile (white) asbestos was finally banned just last year after decades of legal battles.
Why is Asbestos so Dangerous?
Asbestos is made of tiny fibers that can be inhaled and become lodges in the lungs for long periods of time. This is why it is absolutely crucial to wear a mask when working with asbestos materials, as disruption of the materials can cause these fibers to become airborne, increasing the risks of inhalation. Long-term exposure to these fibers can increase the risk of lung cancer (especially in smokers) and mesothelioma, which is caused almost exclusively by asbestos exposure.
Test Your Home for Asbestos
DeLisle Associates offers an At Home Test Kit with everything you need to confirm whether or not your home or business contains asbestos. The kit includes a mask, disposable gloves, sample bags, and an instruction booklet that can guide you through the process for accurate results. The price for the analysis is included in the price of the kit, and you will receive the results of your test within three business days.
What if My Test is Positive?
While we do not handle asbestos remediation, we can help manage the process, including bulk sampling and analysis and the development of an asbestos management plan. We even offer courses in Asbestos Training in accordance with the State of Michigan Asbestos Program and the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Model Accreditation Program. If you have any questions about testing your home or business for asbestos, please contact DeLisle Associates today!